
Join our Team

Cinuru helps the film industry to engage the right audiences.

In a consumer-centric approach we have iteratively developed the first version of our cinema app and analytics and campaigning tools. Our App allows moviegoers to connect with their favorite cinemas, keep watchlists, earn rewards, rate movies, and receive push notifications. Our dashbaord allows cinemas to analyze the taste of their customers, and send targeted marketing campaigns. We are an interdisciplinary founding team with various backgrounds (film production, computer science, business).

What we offer

Become an integral part of a young start-up and help us scale.
Work remotely or at our nice office directly in the Film Studio Babelsberg and join our retreats.
Work independently and influence our organizational structure through our Holacracy process.
Gain interesting insights into the movie and cinema business.
Work alongside an experienced, interdisciplinary and creative team.

What kind of company we are

We set achievable and ambitious objectives and cultivate a bias toward outcomes.
We strive for calm and focus, make promises we will keep.
Teams and individuals make autonomous, responsible decisions.
As a remote-first company, we value structured and disciplined communication.
Our structure and processes evolve iteratively, just as our products.
When it comes to money, time, and features, we like to keep things lean and learn as we go.
Our culture is fair and sustainable, diverse and equal, flexible and family-friendly.

Open Positions

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